Tuesday 8 June 2010

Preto, Brazilian Churrascaria, Victoria.

So it has been ages since my first blog! And my only excuse is that life got in the way. However from now on I am going to update everyone at least once a week with a review or a recipe so please accept my apologies, normal service is now resumed!

I shall start by saying that if you are a vegetarian, simply do not go to this restaurant. Despite there being a good enough selection of dishes to keep you happy, the sight of whole cuts of rump, topside, legs of ham, the thighs of 10 chickens and the hearts of twenty, all cooked on a gigantic metal skewer over an open flame may make you feel uneasy. Being an omnivore with carnivorous leanings, this does not bother me in the slightest. I actually get rather excited about the whole thing.

The way it works is thus: you go in, sit down, order a drink, go to the buffet to get some token sides then return o your table. Then a torrent of meat is upon you. It is all brought round to your table and pieces of dar succulent meat are carved and sever straight onto your plate. The only thing stopping you is your own will power and a small paper disc on your table. On one side it is green with 'sim' written on it (Portuguese for yes) the other is red with 'no'. Turn this over only when you can handle no more because if you flip too soon, you will regret it. It is like accepting defeat and swiftly being robbed of your weapons; plate and cutlery are whisked away. You fought well but you must now gracefully accept defeat.

This is an experience to be tried by all, even if you don't have an expandable stomach as the quality of the meat really is very good. The cooking is not so much an issue at there is usually some part of the joint that you will want - the outer bits will be closer to well done, the further in you carve the more juicy and tender the meat will be.

The place is just as good for couples as it is groups of 8 or more, although that said it is no first date venue! You can have the downstairs to yourselves if your party is large enough and it is only a five minute walk from Victoria station.

Preto, 72 Wilton Road, SW1V 1DE. 020 7233 8668

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